Terms & Conditions

Rocketman B.V. & Highest Season

Article 1: Definitions

In these general terms and conditions (T&Cs), the following terms are defined as follows:

1.1 Rocketman B.V.
The private company with limited liability, located at Rechtestraat 138, 1483 BG de Rijp, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under number 81530099. This term includes any current or future subsidiaries and any operations or services provided under trade names used by Rocketman B.V. The term "Rocketman B.V." shall refer to Rocketman B.V. and its subsidiaries, collectively or individually, as applicable in these T&Cs.

1.2 Client
Any individual or business that engages with Rocketman B.V. (including its subsidiaries) to use services, participate in courses, or enter into an agreement.

1.3 Services
All services provided by Rocketman B.V. and its subsidiaries, including but not limited to consultancy, online courses, workshops, training sessions, and any other products or services offered.

1.4 Agreement
Any contract or agreement between Rocketman B.V. (including its subsidiaries) and the Client, including any orders or service engagements.

1.5 Materials
All content provided by Rocketman B.V. in connection with services, including but not limited to texts, videos, software, and methodologies.

1.6 Intellectual Property (IP)
All rights associated with the materials and content provided by Rocketman B.V., including copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

Article 2: General and Applicability

2.1 These T&Cs apply to all services, offers, and agreements provided by Rocketman B.V., including consultancy services and online courses.

2.2 These T&Cs are applicable to all Clients who engage with Rocketman B.V. By using our services, the Client agrees to these T&Cs in full.

2.3 Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to engage third parties for the execution of its services. These T&Cs apply to any third parties involved in service delivery.

2.4 Any general terms and conditions of the Client are explicitly rejected unless Rocketman B.V. has agreed to them in writing.

Article 3: Formation of Agreement

3.1 An agreement between the Client and Rocketman B.V. is established when the Client places an order for services or products via our website or through other communication channels, such as email and contracts and Rocketman B.V. confirms this order in writing.

3.2 All offers from Rocketman B.V. are non-binding unless expressly stated otherwise.

3.3 Oral commitments made by Rocketman B.V. are only binding once confirmed in writing.

3.4 Amendments to any agreement must be agreed upon in writing by both parties to be valid.

Article 4: Use of Materials and Intellectual Property

4.1 Ownership of Materials: All materials, content, and intellectual property related to Rocketman B.V.'s online courses and consultancy services are the exclusive property of Rocketman B.V.

4.2 License for Online Courses:For online courses, the Client is granted a non-transferable, non-exclusive license to use the course materials. This license is issued specifically to the individual named by the Client and is intended strictly for personal or internal business use by that named individual during the term of the agreement. The license may not be shared, transferred, or used by any other person or entity.

4.3 License for Consultancy Services:For consultancy services, the Client is granted a non-exclusive license to use the materials provided by Rocketman B.V. strictly for internal business purposes during the term of the agreement. These materials may be used by the Client's employees or representatives, but may not be shared, distributed, or transferred outside of the Client's organization without the express written consent of Rocketman B.V.

4.4 Prohibition of Unauthorized Use: It is strictly prohibited for the Client to copy, share, distribute, modify, or commercialize any of these materials without the express written consent of Rocketman B.V. Any breach of this clause will result in immediate termination of access to services and may lead to legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages.

4.5 Intellectual Property Protection: In the event that Rocketman B.V.'s intellectual property is used or shared without authorization, Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to seek full compensation for any damages suffered, as well as the right to demand cessation of the unauthorized use.

Article 5: Named License and Login Details

5.1 Access to Rocketman B.V.'s online courses is provided through login details that are issued on a named license basis.

5.2 These login details are personal to the individual Client and may only be used by the Client to whom they are issued.

5.3 The Client is not permitted to share, transfer, or allow others to use their login details. Any breach of this clause will result in immediate termination of access to the online course and may lead to legal action, including but not limited to claims for damages.

5.4 The Client is responsible for providing the necessary details (including but not limited to the name and email address of the individual who will be taking the course) in a timely manner to Rocketman B.V. Any delay in providing these details may result in delayed access to the course. Such delays will not entitle the Client to any reduction in the agreed license fees or other financial compensation.

5.5 Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to monitor the use of login details and to take appropriate action if misuse is detected.

Article 6: Cancellations, Refunds, and Event Participation

6.1 The Client may cancel registration for services within 14 days of the agreement for a full refund, unless otherwise specified in the agreement or on the website. This does not apply if the Client has already accessed or downloaded digital content for which the right of withdrawal is waived.

6.2 Participation in events, including live workshops and online sessions, is personal and non-transferable, except with prior written approval from Rocketman B.V.

6.3 If the Client cannot attend a scheduled event, the Client must inform Rocketman B.V. in writing as soon as possible. Rocketman B.V. may, at its discretion, allow the Client to transfer participation to another person or to a future event.

6.4 Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to cancel or reschedule events. If an event is cancelled by Rocketman B.V., the Client will be entitled to a full refund of the participation fee. Rocketman B.V. will not be liable for any additional costs incurred by the Client, such as travel or accommodation expenses.

6.5 Refund Policy for Online Courses: Rocketman B.V. believes that Clients who apply the course strategies can achieve a return on investment (ROI) on the course fee. To back this up, we offer a refund option. If you’re not satisfied with the course, you can request a full refund within 30 days of purchase, as long as you’ve completed less than 30% of the course and have made an effort to apply the content. To request a refund, contact us at support@highestseason.com with an explanation of why the course didn’t meet your expectations. Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to deny refunds if these conditions aren’t met or if the policy is misused.

Article 7: Payments, Invoicing, and Suspension of Services

7.1 Payment Terms: Payment terms are specified in the agreement or on the Rocketman B.V. website at the time of the Client's order. Unless otherwise stated, all prices are exclusive of VAT (Value Added Tax) and any other applicable taxes. Payments must be made in accordance with the agreed terms, either in full or in instalments where applicable.

7.2 Payment Reminder and Administrative Costs: If payment is not received by the due date, Rocketman B.V. will first send a payment reminder. This reminder will inform the Client that administrative costs will be charged if payment is not made on time. The reminder will also indicate that Rocketman B.V. may suspend or deny access to courses, trainings, workshops, the online community, events, live sessions, etc., if payment is not made.

7.3 Consequences of Non-Payment: If payment is still not made after the reminder, the Client will be in default. In such cases, the Client will owe statutory interest on the outstanding amount, as well as extrajudicial collection costs. The extrajudicial collection costs will be at least 15% of the outstanding amount, with a minimum of €500, excluding VAT. If the Client is a consumer, the extrajudicial collection costs will be calculated according to the Dutch Besluit vergoeding buitengerechtelijke incassokosten, with a minimum amount of €40.

7.4 Price Adjustments: Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to adjust prices for its services. Ongoing agreements will not be affected by such changes.

7.5 Suspension or Termination of the Agreement: Rocketman B.V. is entitled to suspend or terminate the agreement with immediate effect if the Client fails to meet their obligations under the agreement, including but not limited to the timely provision of necessary details for account creation or the timely payment of fees. Such suspension or termination does not entitle the Client to any refund or reduction in fees.

7.6 Notice of Default Before Termination: Before Rocketman B.V. terminates the agreement, Rocketman B.V. will send the Client a written notice of default via email. This notice will give the Client a reasonable but short period to fulfill their obligations under the agreement and these general terms and conditions. If the Client does not meet their obligations within the specified time, the agreement will be terminated after the deadline mentioned in the notice.

7.7 Immediate Payment: Upon Termination & Rights Retained in Suspension: Upon termination of the agreement, all claims of Rocketman B.V. against the Client become immediately due and payable. If Rocketman B.V. suspends the agreement, it retains all its rights under the law, the agreement, and these general terms and conditions.

7.8 Invoice Complaints: Complaints about an invoice must be submitted in writing to Rocketman B.V. within one (1) week of the invoice date. "In writing" means via email. If the Client fails to submit a complaint within this period, the right to contest the invoice is forfeited. A complaint about an invoice does not suspend the Client’s payment obligation.

Article 8: Liability and Indemnification

8.1 Limitation of Liability for Direct Damages: Rocketman B.V.'s liability for any direct damages arising from the performance of its services is limited to the amount paid by the Client for the specific service from which the damage arose. This limitation applies per incident, with a series of related incidents counting as a single incident. The liability cap is the price agreed upon for the relevant agreement, excluding VAT.

8.2 Exclusion of Liability for Indirect and Consequential Damages: Rocketman B.V. is not liable for any other form of damage, including but not limited to indirect or consequential damages, loss of revenue or profits, delays, data loss, missed deadlines, theft, loss, or damage to property during the provision of services.

8.3 Third-Party Software and Platforms: Rocketman B.V. is not liable for any disruptions, delays, or other technical issues related to third-party software or platforms used in the delivery of its services, including but not limited to Learning Management Systems (LMS) like TalentLMS, or any other software or platforms that may be used in the future. This includes, without limitation, platform downtime, accessibility issues, data loss, or security breaches. Rocketman B.V. will endeavor to ensure the availability and functionality of these platforms but cannot guarantee uninterrupted access.

8.4 Client Responsibility for Results: Rocketman B.V. provides the knowledge, tools, and guidance necessary to succeed in the relevant subject matter. However, the Client is solely responsible for the implementation and application of the advice and content provided by Rocketman B.V. Rocketman B.V. cannot and does not guarantee specific results, and shall not be held liable for the Client’s success or failure in applying the provided information.

8.5 No Obligation to Compensate Upon Termination or Non Completion of the Course: Upon termination of the agreement or the Client Not Completing the Course, Rocketman B.V. is not obligated to pay any damages or provide compensation to the Client.

8.6 Intellectual Property Protection: Rocketman B.V. is not liable for any damages resulting from the unauthorized use of our intellectual property or for the actions of third parties engaged in the performance of services.

8.7 Indemnification: The Client agrees to indemnify and hold Rocketman B.V. harmless from any claims, liabilities, damages, or expenses (including legal fees) arising out of the Client's breach of these T&Cs, including but not limited to unauthorized use of our materials or intellectual property.

Article 9: Force Majeure

9.1 Rocketman B.V. is not liable for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under the agreement if such delay or failure results from circumstances beyond its reasonable control, including but not limited to natural disasters, strikes, internet disruptions, governmental actions, or pandemics.

9.2 If a force majeure event occurs, Rocketman B.V. will notify the Client as soon as possible. They may suspend their obligations under the agreement for the duration of the force majeure event.

9.3 If the force majeure event continues for more than 60 days, either party may terminate the agreement without liability for damages.

Article 10: Complaints and Dispute Resolution

10.1 If the Client has a complaint regarding the services provided by Rocketman B.V., the Client must notify us in writing within 14 days of the issue arising. Complaints should be directed to support@highestseason.com.

10.2 Rocketman B.V. will acknowledge receipt of the Client's complaint and will aim to resolve the issue within 30 days. If further investigation is required, the Client will be informed of the extended timeline.

10.3 If a dispute arises that cannot be resolved amicably, the parties agree to submit the dispute to the competent court in Amsterdam. Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to seek alternative dispute resolution methods if appropriate.

Article 11: Confidentiality and Data Protection

11.1 Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information exchanged during the performance of the agreement, except where disclosure is required by law or where the information is already in the public domain.

11.2 Rocketman B.V. processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our privacy policy, available on the Rocketman B.V. website, provides detailed information on how we handle the Client's personal data.

11.3 The Client agrees not to disclose any confidential information provided by Rocketman B.V. to any third party without our prior written consent.

11.4 Each Party may disclose that Client has entered into the Agreement and Rocketman may describe its activities on account of the Agreement in its marketing materials in general, non-confidential terms. Furthermore, Client agrees that after the Agreement has been signed or a transaction has been made, Rocketman can mention the collaboration on its website and on Linkedin.

Article 12: Governing Law and Final Provisions

12.1 Precedence of Agreement

If any provisions in our agreement conflict with these general terms and conditions, the terms agreed upon in the agreement shall prevail.

12.2 Governing Law: These T&Cs and any agreements with Rocketman B.V. are governed by and construed in accordance with Dutch law.

12.3 Severability: If any provision of these T&Cs is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in full force and effect. The invalid or unenforceable provision will be replaced by a valid and enforceable provision that comes closest to the intention of the original provision.

12.4 Amendments to Terms: Rocketman B.V. reserves the right to amend these T&Cs from time to time. Any changes will be communicated to the Client in advance and will take effect from the date specified in the notice. The most recent version of the T&Cs will be available on our website.

12.5 Entire Agreement: These T&Cs, together with any agreement and the corresponding order confirmation, constitute the entire agreement between the Client and Rocketman B.V. and supersede any prior agreements, arrangements, or understandings.